40 Dogs Rescued from OKC Area Puppy Mill

Click here to see video coverage from KOCO in Oklahoma City.

This incident serves as a good reminder to people to be sure they are getting a dog from a reputable breeder.  While OAA strongly advocates adopting a pet from a shelter or rescue as this plays a large role in overcoming our pet overpopulation problem, we urge those that purchase dogs from breeders to do their homework. Continue reading

Save a Life – Adopt a Little Okie!

Join OAA on the last Saturday of each month from 12-4 pm at Tulsa Animal Welfare as we lend a hand to help match clients with the perfect pet.  All animals adopted on these special days receive a free id tag.  Of course, anyone can adopt a pet from Tulsa Animal Welfare during their normal hours of operation, Tuesday through Friday from noon to 6 pm and Saturdays noon to 4 pm.  Interested in volunteering for Adopt a Little Okie?  Please contact us at info@animalallianceok.org.

Until there are none, adopt one.